Be a mentor

Cabot Mentoring relies on community donations for over 50% of our budget.

Please consider a donation to help us build and maintain intergenerational friendships in Cabot.

To save on printing and mailing costs, we've made it easy to give online.

Thank you for supporting our work and for supporting youth!

Find a mentor

​Cabot Mentoring currently has a pool of talented, trained and experienced local mentors ready to be matched with Cabot youth. Among these are people right here in town with backgrounds and skills in education, arts, science, photography, music, technology, law, nature, cycling, fishing, baking, cooking, writing, games, gardening, crafts and sports to name a few. Some are farmers, business people, animal lovers and those who build with their hands. All are excited to share their knowledge, talents and friendship with young people aged 7-17.

Do you have a skill to share with a young person? Apply to Become a Mentor!

invest in our community... become a donor!

As a mentor, you’ll receive training and support and meet with your mentee a minimum of 4 hours per month either during the school day, after school on campus or in the community for fun free activities of your choosing. Walks, fishing, biking, concerts, puzzles, reading, gaming....  Click here to find out more.​​

​​Like us on facebook!

Is your child between the ages of 7-17 and looking for a mentor?  Or do you know someone who would benefit from a one-on-one friendship with an adult mentor?  If so, click here for more information! Or complete our ONLINE APPLICATION.